Our Services. Looking to get the most from the ProjStream platform? Our professional services team is here to help you take your business to the next level.

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Professional Services

Our team provides a variety of services to help you use ProjStream's software to its full potential, from comprehensive platform training for your team, to assisting with successful migration and integration with other business systems.

Gap Analysis

No system is perfect. This is where our gap analysis service comes in. We will carefully assess the capabilities of your existing project proposal and cost management applications and related processes.

Then, we’ll determine whether they meet your business needs, identify any gaps in functionality and suggest changes to ensure optimal performance going forward.


We are dedicated to ensuring a smooth migration process as you transition to ProjStream’s software. Our migrations experts will help you transform, improve and move legacy data from your current COTS tool or homegrown system to ProjStream’s software in no time.

Depending on your needs, we can help you leverage ProjStream’s existing import/export features or create a custom utility just for you.


We take an approach that allows us to tailor training to your business process. Cookie-cutter training material does not provide the most value. Train your users in a manner that fits the way you do business.

Process and Best Practices

The ProjStream platform can be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal, but it works best if you use it with our proven processes. We’ve developed Best Practices that draw on our 50+ years of combined industry experience and will share them with your team.

We’ll start off with a process template, which we’ll then tailor to the unique needs of your business so you can start seeing improvements quickly!


Need help syncing our software with your existing solutions? Our team has you covered — we’ll help you connect ProjStream’s software to your current business systems quickly and seamlessly.

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