May 2019

Published: May 1, 2019

All Software Tools

Global Calendar, Rate, and Resource Structures
Added ability to create related global calendar, rate, and resource structures where the global structures are shared with other projects. It is no longer necessary to create project specific structures. At any time, you can disconnect a project from the global structures and create project specific structures in the Manage Projects window, Structures tab (Project Data > Projects).

Use Notes: The calendar, rate, and resource structures are linked. The resource structure relies on the rate structure to determine the rates for the resources, the rate structure relies on the calendar structure to determine the rate effective dates. When you create the resource structure, click the Global check box in the Manage Resources window, Name tab (Project Data > Resources) to establish the linked global calendar, rate, and resource structures.

Set Available Resources
Added an option in the Manage Projects tab window, Structures tab (Project Data > Projects) to Set Available Resources. This option is used to narrow the list of resources that can be assigned to work packages for a given project.

Rate Groups
Added ability to add multiple rate groups to a given result in the Manage Resources window (Project Data > Resources). This enables the option for a user to select a rate group when the resource is assigned to a work package.

Project Selection in Main Windows
When you select a project in the main Estimate window (BOEMax) or the main MaxTeam window, the Project dropdown in the Ribbon Menu reflects the BOEMax or MaxTeam Enterprise Nodal Structure (Home > ENS). If you have not defined the ENS in the applicable software tool, the default is a simple list of Enterprise projects.

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