Project Options, Copy From and Export to XML
Manage Projects window, Ribbon Menu (Project Data > Projects). The options to create a new project from an existing (New Copy From) and the Export To XML have been enhanced to include additional project related artifacts. The export to XML option is often used to create a backup copy of a project. The XML file can then be used to restore a project or to create a new project using the Ribbon Menu Import From XML option.
For BOEMax and MaxTeam, the copy from and export to XML now include any project import templates. The import templates are often used to import data into the ProjStream tools from other business systems such as the current forward pricing rates or actual costs from an accounting system or bill of material data from an M/ERP system. Should you import the XML backup data into the existing project, the XML import replaces any existing import templates and adds any missing templates. For example, let’s say you created an XML backup file for Project A that has two import templates XXX and YYY. You then define another import template ZZZ for Project A. Should you need to restore Project A from the XML backup, importing the XML replaces templates XXX and YYY, but leaves ZZZ alone because it doesn’t exist in the backup.
For BOEMax, the export to XML now includes project Cost Summary report templates and BOE Advanced reports.
Master Parts List, Quantity Unit Price Ranges
You now have the ability to specify unit price ranges for different quantities of a material part. Once you set the unit price range parameters in the Part Master window (Project Data > Parts), when someone selects the part to build a project specific bill of material (BOM), the quantity they enter determines the unit price in their BOM based on the Part Master window parameters.
Standard Reports, IPMDAR JSON Encoded Data File Import and Export
With MaxTeam, you can import or export the JSON encoded files needed to support the new Integrated Program Management Data and Analysis Report (IPMDAR) Data Item Description (DID), DI-MGMT-81861B, Contract Performance Dataset (CPD). The IMDAR DID supersedes the June 2012 Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) DID, DI-MGMT-81861A. The IPMDAR DID is now being placed on new contracts. It may also show up on other DoD acquisitions regardless of whether a formal EVMS is required. As a prime contractor, you could use the IPMDAR JSON encoded data file to import the cost data from your subcontractors. You would use the JSON encoded export to provide the Contract Performance Dataset to your customer.
For more information about the new DID, see the ProjStream blog: Integrated Program Management Data and Analysis Report (IPMDAR) DID Published.